1. Weak seed-pairing stability and high target-site abundance decrease the proficiency of lsy-6 and other microRNAs
MicroRNA target prediction의 정확도를 향상시키기 위한 feature로써 target abundance와 seed pairing stability를 제시하고, 그 효과를 실험적으로 검증했다.

(Separating the effects of seed-pairing stability and target-abundance on miRNA targeting proficiency (Garcia et al. 2011))
2. Selective degradation of host microRNAs by an intergenic HCMV noncoding RNA accelerates virus production
Host cell infection에서 Human cytomegalovirus의 noncoding RNA가 미치는 영향을 규명했다.

(Predicted secondary structure of miRNA decay element (Lee et al. 2013))
3. TALEN-based knockout library for human microRNAs
TALEN 기술을 이용해 microRNA knock-out library를 대규모 제작하고, 이의 기능을 실험적으로 검증했다.

(Cellular and molecular impact of miRNA K.O. (Kim et al. 2013))
4. mRNA destabilization is the dominant effect of mammalian microRNAs by the time substantial repression ensues
MicroRNA targeting에 의한 mRNA repression을 transient state와 stable state로 나누어 비교, 분석했다.

(Principles of microRNA-mediated repression dynamics (Eichorn et al. 2014))
5. Temporal landscape of microRNA-mediated host-virus crosstalk during productive human cytomegalovirus Infection
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)의 infection 기작을 규명하기 위해, host cell에 HCMV를 감염시킨 후 time course로 transcriptome data를 제작, 분석하여 virus와 host 사이의 상호작용을 관찰했다.

(Emergent property and functional landscape of sub-temporal human targetome of viral miRNAs (Kim et al. 2015))
6. The brain-enriched microRNA miR-9-3p regulates synaptic plasticity and memory
Neuron의 synaptic plasticity와 memory에 있어서 miR-9-3p의 역할을 규명했다.

(Evolutionary conserved miR-9-3p target sequence within Dmd 3’UTR, Sim et al. 2016)
1. Garcia, D. M., Baek, D., Shin, C., Bell, G. W., Grimson, A., & Bartel, D. P. Weak seed-pairing stability and high target-site abundance decrease the proficiency of lsy-6 and other microRNAs. Nature structural & molecular biology (2011).
2. Lee, S., Song, J., Kim, S., Kim, J., Hong, Y., Kim, Y., ... Baek, D. & Ahn, K. Selective degradation of host MicroRNAs by an intergenic HCMV noncoding RNA accelerates virus production. Cell host & microbe (2013).
3. Kim, Y. K., Wee, G., Park, J., Kim, J., Baek, D., Kim, J. S., & Kim, V. N. TALEN-based knockout library for human microRNAs. Nature structural & molecular biology (2013).
4. Eichhorn, S. W., Guo, H., McGeary, S. E., Rodriguez-Mias, R. A., Shin, C., Baek, D., ... & Bartel, D. P. mRNA destabilization is the dominant effect of mammalian microRNAs by the time substantial repression ensues. Molecular cell (2014).
5. Kim, S., Seo, D., Kim, D., Hong, Y., Chang, H., Baek, D., ... & Ahn, K. Temporal landscape of microRNA-mediated host-virus crosstalk during productive human cytomegalovirus infection. Cell host & microbe (2015).
6. Sim, S. E., Lim, C. S., Kim, J. I., Seo, D., Chun, H., Yu, N. K., ... Baek, D., … & Kim, T. The Brain-enriched microRNA miR-9-3p regulates synaptic plasticity and memory. The Journal of Neuroscience (2016).