백대현 Baek, Daehyun
Artificial Intelligence (Deep Learning) for Biology and Medicine
- Deep neural networks (DNNs) for RNA biology: microRNA targeting, RNA-binding proteins, RNA modifications, and alternative mRNA processing
- DNNs for cancer genomics: detection of cancer mutations and estimation of tumor evolution
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- Large-scale sequence analysis
- Bio big data: genome, transcriptome, and proteome
Noncoding Genome
- MicroRNA targeting and biogenesis
- RNA-binding proteins
- Alternative mRNA splicing and alternative promoters
Disease Genomics
- Integrated multi-omics analysis of disease genome, transcriptome, and proteome
- Development of disease (including cancer and diabetes) genome analysis software
- - 2000 - 2007 Ph.D. in Bioengineering at University of Washington (Advisor: Phil Green)
- - 1993 - 1999 B.S. in Electrical Engineering at KAIST (Minor in Biological Sciences)
- - 1991 - 1993 Seoul Science High School
- - 2010 - Present Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor of School of Biological Sciences at SNU
- - 2007 - 2010 Postdoctoral Fellow at Whitehead Institute / MIT / HHMI (Advisor: David Bartel)
- - 2018 한국차세대과학기술한림원(Y-KAST) 회원
- - 2017 온빛상 (한국 생명정보학회 학술상)
- - 2012 청암 사이언스 펠로십 (POSCO)
- - 2011 우수신진연구자 (교육과학기술부)
- S. Kim*, S. Kim*, H. R. Chang*, D. Kim*, J. Park, N. Son, J. Park, M. Yoon, G. Chae, Y.-K. Kim, V. N. Kim, Y. K. Kim, J.-W. Nam, C. Shin#, and D. Baek#, The regulatory impact of RNA-binding proteins on microRNA targeting, Nature Communications, 2021.
(*co-first authors, #co-corresponding authors) - D. Kim*, S. Kim*, J. Park*, H. R. Chang*, J. Chang*, J. Ahn*, H. Park*, J. Park, N.Son, G. Kang, J. Kim, K. Kim, M.-S. Park#, Y. K. Kim#, and D. Baek#, A high-resolution temporal atlas of the SARS-CoV-2 translatome and transcriptome, Nature Communications, 2021.
- D. Kim*, Y. M. Sung*, J. Park*, S. Kim, J. Kim, J. Park, H. Ha, J. Y. Bae, S. Kim, and D. Baek, General Rules for Functional MicroRNA Targeting, Nature Genetics, 2016.
- D. Garcia*, D. Baek*#, C. Shin, G. Bell, A. Grimson, and D. Bartel#, Weak Seed-Pairing Stability and High Target-Site Abundance Decrease the Proficiency of lsy-6 and Other miRNAs, Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 2011.
- D. Baek*, J. Villen*, C. Shin*, F. Camargo, S. Gygi, and D. Bartel, The Impact of MicroRNAs on Protein Output, Nature, 2008.