Former Members



Seo-Hyun Kim
  1. Seo-Hyun Kim, Young-Sin Cho, Youbin Kim, Jisu Park, Seung-Min Yoo, Jimin Gwak, Youngwon Kim, Youngdae Gwon, Tae-In Kam, Yong-Keun Jung (2023). Endolysosomal impairment by binding of amyloid beta or MAPT/Tau to V-ATPase and rescue via the HYAL-CD44 axis in Alzheimer disease. Autophagy, (), 1-20.
  2. Youbin Kim, Hyejin Park, Youngwon Kim, Seo-Hyun Kim, Jae Hoon Lee, Hanseul Yang, Seo Jin Kim, Cathena Meiling Li, Haneul Lee, Do-Hyeong Na, Seowon Moon, Yumi Shin, Tae-In Kam, Han-Woong Lee, SangYun Kim, Ji-Joon Song, Yong-Keun Jung (2022). Pathogenic Role of RAGE in Tau Transmission and Memory Deficits. Biological Psychiatry, (), .
  3. Jonghee Han, Junho Hyun, Jaesang Park, Sunmin Jung, Yoonseo Oh, Youbin Kim, Shin-Hyeon Ryu, Seo-Hyun Kim, Eun Il Jeong, Dong-Gyu Jo, Sung-Hye Park, Yong-Keun Jung (2021). Aberrant role of pyruvate kinase M2 in the regulation of gamma-secretase and memory deficits in Alzheimer's disease. Cell Reports, 37(10), .
  4. Jisu Park*, Hyunwoo Choi*, Young Doo Kim, Seo-Hyun Kim, Youbin Kim, Youngdae Gwon, Dong Young Lee, Sung-Hye Park, Won Do Heo, Yong-Keun Jung (2021). Aberrant role of ALK in tau proteinopathy through autophagosomal dysregulation. Molecular Psychiatry, (), .
  5. Jung S*, Hyun J*, Nah J, Han J, Kim SH, Park J, Oh Y, Gwon Y, Moon S, Jo DG, Jung YK (2020). SERP1 Is an Assembly Regulator of γ-Secretase in Metabolic Stress Conditions. Science Signaling, 13(623), eaax8949.
  6. Seung-Min Yoo, Jisu Park, Seo-Hyun Kim, Yong-Keun Jung (2020). Emerging Perspectives on Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Inflammation in Alzheimer's Disease. BMB Reports, 53(1), 35-46.
  7. Youngdae Gwon, Seo-Hyun Kim, Hyun Tae Kim, Tae-In Kam, Jisu Park, Bitna Lim, Hyunju Cha, Ho-Jin Chang, Yong Rae Hong, Yong-Keun Jung (2019). Amelioration of Amyloid β-FcγRIIb Neurotoxicity and Tau Pathologies by Targeting LYN. FASEB Journal, 33(3), 4300-4313.
  8. Youngdae Gwon, Tae-In Kam, Seo-Hyun Kim, Sungmin Song, Hyejin Park, Bitna Lim, Haneul Lee, Weontae Lee, Dong-Gyu Jo, Yong-Keun Jung (2018). TOM1 regulates neuronal accumulation of amyloid-β oligomers by FcγRIIb2 variant in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(42), 9001-9018.
  9. Eun Il Jeong, Hae Won Chung, Won Jea Lee, Seo-Hyun Kim, Hyunjoo Kim, Seon-Guk Choi, Yong-Keun Jung (2016). E2-25K SUMOylation inhibits proteasome for cell death during cerebral ischemia/reperfusion. Cell Death & Disease, 7(12), e2573.
  10. Tae-In Kam*, Hyejin Park*, Youngdae Gwon*, Sungmin Song, Seo-Hyun Kim, Seo Won Moon, Dong-Gyu Jo, Yong-Keun Jung (2016). FcγRIIb-SHIP2 axis links amyloid-β to tau pathology by disrupting phosphoinositide metabolism in Alzheimer’s disease model. eLife, 5(), e18691.