

현유봉 Hyun, Youbong

분자생물학 식물과학 유전체학 진화생물학
Reproduction, the process by which organisms replicate themselves, is a fundamental and unique feature of life. Successive reproduction ensures the perpetual survival of species. As such, living organisms, including plants, have evolved extremely diverse strategies for maximizing their reproductive success. We are interested in elucidating the evolutionary divergence of the reproductive strategy of plants at levels ranging from molecular to system scales. Using the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and Viola, our research aim is to determine the genome and system evolution that enables the versatility of plant reproduction mechanisms.
  • - 1997-2002 학사 : 서울대학교 생명과학부
  • - 2002-2008 박사 : 서울대학교 생명과학부
  • - 2008-2011 박사후연구원 : 서울대학교 생명과학부
  • - 2012-2019 박사후연구원 : 막스플랑크 식물육종연구소
  • - 2020-현재 조교수 : 서울대학교 생명과학부
  1. Hyun et al (2019) A regulatory circuit conferring varied flowering response to cold in annual and perennial plants. Science 363: 409-412.
  2. Hyun et al (2017) Competence to flower: age-controlled sensitivity to environmental cues. Plant Physiol 173: 36-46.
  3. Hyun and Richter et al (2016) Multi-layered regulation of SPL15 and cooperation with SOC1 integrate endogenous flowering pathways at the Arabidopsis shoot meristem. Dev Cell 37: 254-266.
  4. Hyun et al (2015) Site-directed mutagenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana using dividing tissue-targeted RGEN of the CRISPR/Cas system to generate heritable null alleles. Planta 241: 271-284.
  5. Kim and Hyun et al (2004) A genetic link between cold responses and flowering time through FVE in Arabidopsis thaliana. Nat Genet 36: 167-171.