ACS Chem Biol.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Biochem Biophys Res Commun.
BMC Genomics
Cell Metab.
Cell Reports
Soungyub Ahn, Heeseung Yang, Sangwon Son Hyun Sik Lee, Dongjun Park, Hyunsoo Yim, Hee-Jung Choi, Peter Swoboda,, Junho Lee (2022). The C. elegans regulatory factor X (RFX) DAF-19M module: A shift from general ciliogenesis to cell-specific ciliary and behavioral specialization. Cell Reports, 39(2), .
Curr Biol.
Dev Biol.
FEBS Lett.
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Genes Dev
Genome research
J Biol Chem.
J Mol Biol.
Journal of Biosciences
Journal of Neurogenetics
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Mol Cell Biol.
Mol Cell.
Mol Cells.
Mol Reprod Dev.
NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics
Nat Neurosci.
Nature Communications
Chuna Kim, Sanghyun Sung, Jong-Seo Kim, Hyunji Lee, Yoonseok Jung, Sanghee Shin, Eunkyeong Kim, Jenny J. Seo, Jun Kim, Daeun Kim, Hiroyuki Niida, V. Narry Kim, Daechan Park and Junho Lee (2021). Telomeres reforged with non-telomeric sequences in mouse embryonic stem cells. Nature Communications, 12(), 1097.