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세미나 담당교수 : 2023-2학기 김진홍 (금요세미나, 콜로퀴움, jinhkim@snu.ac.kr), 강찬희 (신진과학자세미나, chanhee.kang@snu.ac.kr), 윤태영 (10-10 project, tyyoon@snu.ac.kr)
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21Oct, 2015

[초청강연] Evolution of Parental Care across the Tree of Life with a Case Study from Frogs

2015-10-21 12:30 ~ 13:30
Building 43-1, Room 201
National University of Singapore Prof. David Bickford
16Oct, 2015

[초청강연] Epigenomic Approaches towards Understanding Gene Regulation

2015-10-16 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
POSTECH Prof. Tae-Young Roh
13Oct, 2015

[초청강연] To continue or not to continue: mTOR-promoted Alternative Polyadenylation of mRNA

2015-10-13 16:00 ~ 17:00
University of Minnesota Prof. Jeongsik Yong
13Oct, 2015

[초청강연] CaMKII gates rapid structural plasticity in hippocampal dendritic spines

2015-10-13 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
RIKEN Brain Science Institute Karam Kim, Ph.D.
12Oct, 2015

[초청강연] The role of immune cells in the development of obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance

2015-10-12 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Harvard Medical School Prof. Jongsoon Lee
7Oct, 2015

[초청강연] 스탠포드 대학과 유전공학의 역사: 생명과학자의 삶과 자본

2015-10-07 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Seoul National University, Dept. of Western History Prof. Doogab Yi,
2Oct, 2015

[초청강연] The Life of SNARE Proteins under Tension

2015-10-02 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
KAIST Prof. Tae‐Young Yoon
25Sep, 2015

[초청강연] Molecular Logic of Building Neural Circuits: Trans-synaptic Adhesion Signaling

2015-09-25 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Yonsei University Prof. Jaewon Ko
23Sep, 2015

[초청강연] Transcriptional regulation by cohesin and its loader

2015-09-23 16:00 ~ 17:00
The University of Tokyo Prof. Katsuhiko Shirahige
21Sep, 2015

[초청강연] Targeting stromal cells via cadherin-11 regulates inflammation and immunity

2015-09-21 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Harvard Medical School Sook Kyung Chang, Ph.D.