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세미나 담당교수 : 2023-2학기 김진홍 (금요세미나, 콜로퀴움, jinhkim@snu.ac.kr), 강찬희 (신진과학자세미나, chanhee.kang@snu.ac.kr), 윤태영 (10-10 project, tyyoon@snu.ac.kr)
조 교 : 장사라 (02-880-4431, jsarah@snu.ac.kr)
호암교수회관 : 5572, 교수회관: 5241, 두레미담: 9358, 라쿠치나: 1631.
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17Feb, 2021
13Jan, 2021
9Jan, 2020

[초청강연] Global mapping of extracellular receptor-ligand interactions via pooled CRISPR screens and lethal...

2020-01-09 11:00 ~ 13:00
Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall
Hunsang Lee, Ph.D. (Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto)
27Dec, 2019

[초청강연] Novel approaches to studying the role of bioenergetics in health and disease

2019-12-27 11:00 ~ 12:00
Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall
Mangyu Choe, Ph.D. (University of California, Berkeley)
16Dec, 2019

[초청강연] Metabolic Alterations Associated with Aging and Cancer Progression

2019-12-16 11:00 ~ 12:00
Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall
Prof. John Blenis (Weill Cornell Medicine, NY, USA)
13Dec, 2019

[초청강연] Animal colour defences: camouflage and secondary defences

2019-12-13 11:00 ~ 12:00
Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall
Prof. Changku Kang (Mokpo National University)
11Dec, 2019

[초청강연] The Interplay between Microbiome and Host Immunity in Health and Disease

2019-12-11 16:00 ~ 17:00
Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall
김지현 교수 (연세대 시스템생물학과)
6Dec, 2019

[초청강연] 2019 삼성행복대상 여성창조상 수상자 강연회- 식물 ABC 수송체들의 기능과 진화

2019-12-06 11:00 ~ 12:00
Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall
이영숙 교수 (포항공대 생명과학과)
4Dec, 2019

[초청강연] Gene Therapy for Canavan Disease - An 86 year Research Journey by 4 generations of Scientists

2019-12-04 16:00 ~ 17:00
유전공학연구소 105동 1층 세미나실
Prof. Guangpin Gao (UMass Medical School, Worcester, USA)