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세미나 담당교수 : 2023-2학기 김진홍 (금요세미나, 콜로퀴움, jinhkim@snu.ac.kr), 강찬희 (신진과학자세미나, chanhee.kang@snu.ac.kr), 윤태영 (10-10 project, tyyoon@snu.ac.kr)
조 교 : 장사라 (02-880-4431, jsarah@snu.ac.kr)
호암교수회관 : 5572, 교수회관: 5241, 두레미담: 9358, 라쿠치나: 1631.
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25Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Application of inflammation and cell death in infectious diseases and cancer

2022-10-25 10:30 ~ 12:30
대면 | 25-1동 국제회의실
Rajendra Karki (St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital)
24Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Never Easy To Say Goodbye: Organ Separation Processes in Plants

2022-10-24 17:00 ~ 19:00
대면 | 목암홀(Mokam Hall) https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/94428091882
Yuree Lee (SNU School of Biological Sciences)
21Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Similar but not the same: Functional conservation and diversification of AGC1 kinases from Arabid...

2022-10-21 14:00 ~ 16:00
비대면 | Zoom https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/95568098277
Claus Schwechheimer (Technische Universität München)
20Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Identifying early events in ALS pathogenesis in MATR3 S85C knock-in mice

2022-10-20 15:00 ~ 17:00
대면 | 105-2동 132호(유전공학연구소)
Jeehye Park (Dept. of Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto)
19Oct, 2022

[초청강연] A half century of research on tuberculosis: Successes and challenges

2022-10-19 16:00 ~ 18:00
국제백신연구소(IVI)강당 https://ivionline.zoom.us/j/82679160153?pwd=RFJFejl2SkN6QnUyWHoyc0VudFRJUT09
Barry Bloom (Joan L. and Julius H. Jacobson Professor of Public Health, Emeritus)
17Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Welcome to the virosphere: A functional viromics screen uncovers novel RNA regulatory mechanisms

2022-10-17 17:00 ~ 19:00
대면 | 목암홀(Mokam Hall) https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/94428091882
Narry Kim (SNU School of Biological Sciences)
14Oct, 2022

[초청강연] The lysosomal ABC transporter TAPL has a dual role as peptide translocase and lipid floppase

2022-10-14 11:00 ~ 13:00
대면 | Mokam Hall https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/95568098277
Mi Sun Jin (GIST School of Life Sciences)
7Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Phytomimetics - Soft machines inspired by plants

2022-10-07 11:00 ~ 13:00
대면 | Mokam Hall https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/95568098277
Ho-Young Kim (SNU Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
5Oct, 2022

[초청강연] Development of attenuated Smallpox vaccine: KVAC103

2022-10-05 11:00 ~ 13:00
대면 | 504-106
Sang-Gu Yeo (Div. of Infectious Diseases Research, Sejong Health & Environment Research Institute)
30Sep, 2022

[초청강연] AI-based protein structure prediction and protein design

2022-09-30 11:00 ~ 13:00
대면 | Mokam Hall https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/95568098277
Minkyung Baek (SNU School of Biological Sciences)