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세미나 담당교수 : 2023-2학기 김진홍 (금요세미나, 콜로퀴움, jinhkim@snu.ac.kr), 강찬희 (신진과학자세미나, chanhee.kang@snu.ac.kr), 윤태영 (10-10 project, tyyoon@snu.ac.kr)
조 교 : 장사라 (02-880-4431, jsarah@snu.ac.kr)
호암교수회관 : 5572, 교수회관: 5241, 두레미담: 9358, 라쿠치나: 1631.
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25Jun, 2007

[초청강연] Cellular stress triggers protective responses in dopaminergic cells: Implications for Parkinson`s...

2007-06-25 11:00 ~ 12:00
25-1동 국제회의실
미 피츠버그의대 Michael Zigmond 교수
22Jun, 2007
15Jun, 2007

[초청강연] What is going on in guard cells: Genetic dissection of ABA and Ca2+ signaling

2007-06-15 11:00 ~ 12:00
56동 106호
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics, Univ. of Maryland, USA 곽준명 교수
11Jun, 2007

[초청강연] Myosin regulation을 통한 cell polarity/genome stability 조절

2007-06-11 11:00 ~ 12:00
500동 L306호
KAIST 정종경 교수
8Jun, 2007

[초청강연] The molecular mechanisms by which Cdo/Boc regulate normal embryonic development

2007-06-08 11:00 ~ 12:00
25-1동 국제회의실
성균관대 의과대학 강종순 교수
1Jun, 2007

[초청강연] 비타민C의 심층이해와 현대인의 건강

2007-06-01 11:00 ~ 12:00
56동 106호
서울대 의과대학 해부학교실 이왕재
29May, 2007

[초청강연] p53 and Drug discovery

2007-05-29 15:00 ~ 16:00
25-1동 국제회의실
U. of Dundee Prof. David Lane
28May, 2007

[초청강연] Human Cysteine Cathepsins and Their Inhibitors Cystatins: Structural Aspects and Biological Impli...

2007-05-28 15:00 ~ 16:00
500동 L307호
J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia Prof. Vito Turk
28May, 2007

[초청강연] How the 19S regulatory particle regulate the proteasome: Structural and functional insights

2007-05-28 16:00 ~ 17:00
500동 L307호
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Prof. Michael Glickman
28May, 2007

[초청강연] Regulation of hepatic gene transcription by carbohydrates: molecular mechanisms

2007-05-28 11:00 ~ 12:00
500동 L306호
INSERM, University “Pierre et Marie Curie”, France Prof. Pascal Ferre