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7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] Functional association of Microprocessor with splicesome

2008-05-07 16:30 ~ 17:30
201동 101호
TMUD Prof. Naoyuki Kataoka
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] Lin28-mediated uridylation of the let-7 precursor

2008-05-07 16:00 ~ 17:00
201동 101호
서울대학교 Prof. Chirlmin Joo
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] Tumor suppressor let-7 represses HMGA2

2008-05-07 15:30 ~ 16:30
201동 101호
University of Virginia Prof. Yong Sun Lee
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] MicroRNAs in development and cancer

2008-05-07 15:00 ~ 16:00
201동 101호
Yale University Prof. Frank Slack
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] The SMN complex : master orchestrator of cellular RNAs

2008-05-07 13:00 ~ 14:00
201동 101호
University of Pennsylvania Prof. Gideon Dreyfuss
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] Chemical genetic dissection of SMN complex and snRNP biogenesis

2008-05-07 13:30 ~ 14:30
201동 101호
University of Pennsylvania Prof. Lili Wan
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] Birth, maturation and death of microRNA

2008-05-07 14:30 ~ 15:30
201동 101호
서울대 생명과학부 Prof. Narry Kim
7May, 2008

[초청강연] [RNA symposium] The SMN complex : An assemblyosome of snRNPs

2008-05-07 14:00 ~ 15:00
201동 101호
University of Pennsylvania Prof. Jeongsik Yong
2May, 2008

[초청강연] Negative regulation of p53 by SIRT1-AROS cooperation: Implication in cell survival in response to...

2008-05-02 11:00 ~ 12:00
28동 303호
세종대학교 생명공학과 엄수종 교수
1May, 2008

[초청강연] E. coli strategies crossing the blood-brain barrier

2008-05-01 11:00 ~ 12:00
500동 L302호
University of Kansas Medical School Prof. Kee Jun Kim