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7Nov, 2011

[초청강연] Finding a "Commander" in Life

2011-11-07 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
서울대학교 바이오제약학과 Sunghoon Kim
4Nov, 2011

[초청강연] Autophagy and Human Diseases

2011-11-04 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Harvard medical School Prof. Junying Yuan
2Nov, 2011

[초청강연] Supersize me: nuclear receptors and liver cancer

2011-11-02 11:00 ~ 12:00
56 dong, 106
Baylor Medical School Prof. David Moore
31Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Tubulin posttranslational modifications in ciliary function: Lessons from human diseases

2011-10-31 16:00 ~ 17:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
University of California, San Diego Dr. Ji Eun Lee
28Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Control of DNA replication in higher eukaryotes: from factors to systems

2011-10-28 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Department of Biological Sciences, Osaka University Prof. Haruhiko Takisawa
28Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Proteolysis in Alzheimer's disease: neprilysin and calpain

2011-10-28 16:00 ~ 17:00
43-1 Dong, 101
RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan Takaomi SAIDO
26Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Population genetics and disease ecology of mosquito species in the Galapagos Islands

2011-10-26 16:00 ~ 17:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Utrecht University and the National Institute of Public Health Dr. Arnaud Bataille
24Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Hair growth regulation mediated by dermal papilla cells

2011-10-24 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-AM Hall
Department of Dermatology, Seoul National University Hospital Prof. Kyuhan Kim
21Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Ecology, evolution and behavior of birds - the Magpie studies in Spain

2011-10-21 11:00 ~ 12:00
25-1, International Conference Room
C.S.I.C (E.E.Z.A) Prof. Juan Soler
19Oct, 2011

[초청강연] Amygdala, Cholecystokinin and Compound Post-synaptic Potential

2011-10-19 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Duke University School of Medicine 정의엽 박사