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세미나 담당교수 : 2023-2학기 김진홍 (금요세미나, 콜로퀴움, jinhkim@snu.ac.kr), 강찬희 (신진과학자세미나, chanhee.kang@snu.ac.kr), 윤태영 (10-10 project, tyyoon@snu.ac.kr)
조 교 : 장사라 (02-880-4431, jsarah@snu.ac.kr)
호암교수회관 : 5572, 교수회관: 5241, 두레미담: 9358, 라쿠치나: 1631.
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21Mar, 2013

[초청강연] Cocaine preferentially potentiates fast releasable vesicle pool in mouse dopaminergic striatum in...

2013-03-21 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-AM Hall
Peking University, China Prof. Zhuan Zhou
15Mar, 2013

[초청강연] Big-Data and Complex Networks

2013-03-15 11:00 ~ 12:00
25-1, International Conference Room
Department of Physics, KAIST Prof. Hawoong Jeong
8Mar, 2013

[초청강연] Gut Microbiota and Host Physiology

2013-03-08 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Department of Biological Sciences, Seoul Nat`l Univ. Prof. Won-Jae Lee
18Feb, 2013

[초청강연] Dysregulated Translational Control in FXS and ASD

2013-02-18 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Center for Neural Science, New York University Dr. Eric Klann
29Jan, 2013

[초청강연] Assurance of mammalian longevity by p62

2013-01-29 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Sungkyunkwan Univ. School of Medicine Dr. Shin, Jaekyoon
14Dec, 2012

[초청강연] Why do some alien species become invasive?

2012-12-14 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Korea Environment Institute Dr.Youngjin Chun
12Dec, 2012

[초청강연] Granular tau oligomer: Intermediate of tau fibril is involved in neuronal loss

2012-12-12 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Japan Dr. Akihiko Takashima
11Dec, 2012

[초청강연] Posttranslational modifications regulate the ticking of the circadian clock: Insights from Drosop...

2012-12-11 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
School of Medicine, Ajou University Prof. Kim Eunyeong
7Dec, 2012

[초청강연] When Phytochrome meets its interacting transcription factors

2012-12-07 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST Prof. Giltsu Choi
6Dec, 2012

[초청강연] Beyond single molecules: from single-motor function to cellular transport

2012-12-06 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California Prof. Steven P. Gross