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27May, 2013

[초청강연] Prevention of arterial restenosis in EBP50 null mice: Regulation of cell cycle and NF-kB activation

2013-05-27 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Department of Pharmacology and Chemical Biology, University of Pittsburg Prof. Gyun Jee Song
24May, 2013

[초청강연] Dendritic Spine Morphology and Local Protein Synthesis

2013-05-24 11:00 ~ 12:00
25-1, International Conference Room
School of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical Engineering, UNIST Prof. Kyung-Tai Min
22May, 2013

[초청강연] A Role of Maternal Auxin Biosynthesis for Early Arabidopsis Embryo Development

2013-05-22 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany Dr. Chulmin Park
20May, 2013

[초청강연] The role of Olfaction in blood progenitor maintenance in Drosophila

2013-05-20 16:00 ~ 17:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, UCLA Dr. Jiwon Shim
20May, 2013

[초청강연] Phenotype seen through Genome Structure and Sequence

2013-05-20 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
University of Illinois Prof. Hans Bohnert
16May, 2013

[초청강연] Regulation of mitotic spindle formation by the NEK family of protein kinases

2013-05-16 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
Department of Biochemistry, University of Leicester, UK Prof. Andrew M. Fry
15May, 2013

[초청강연] 생물정보학 소개 - 서열비교를 중심으로

2013-05-15 14:00 ~ 15:30
Divison of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Hanyang Univ. Prof. Eunok Paek
15May, 2013

[초청강연] MS and NMR-based metabolomics in natural product sciences

2013-05-15 11:00 ~ 12:00
College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University Prof. Hyung-Kyoon Choi
13May, 2013

[초청강연] 2013 SNU Novel Lecture

2013-05-13 09:30 ~ 18:00
University Culture Center ( BLDG. 73)
.. Nobel Laureates
13May, 2013

[초청강연] Drosophila microRNAs: models of cancer

2013-05-13 11:00 ~ 12:00
500, Mok-Am Hall
IMCB, Singapore Prof. Steve Cohen