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[초청강연] Similar but not the same: Functional conservation and diversification of AGC1 kinases from Arabidopsis thaliana

2022-10-21l 조회수 1997

일시: 2022-10-21 14:00 ~ 16:00
발표자: Claus Schwechheimer (Technische Universität München)
담당교수: 생명과학부
장소: 비대면 | Zoom https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/95568098277
Similar but not the same: Functional conservation and
diversification of AGC1 kinases from Arabidopsis


1 Plant Systems Biology, Technical University of Munich, Freising, Germany


Land plants encode for a number of AGC1 kinases that are evolutionarily derived
from the phototropin blue light receptor serine/threonine kinases. The D6PK, D6PK-
LIKE and PAX AGC1 kinases polarly localize at the plasma membrane where they
activate the polarly localized PIN auxin efflux carriers by phosphorylation. The rapid
intracellular trafficking to and from the plasma membrane renders AGC1 kinases
dynamic regulators of PIN-mediated transport and loss of AGC1 kinases function
results in defects in auxin transport-dependent processes like embryo development,
root and lateral root development, and tropic responses, to name a few. We have
studied the interplay between the different AGC1 kinase family members at the
developmental level and will present evidence that D6PK and PAX kinases are
functionally diverse and cooperate, in a non-additive manner, in the regulation of
protophloem and vascular development. We have further uncovered the regulatory
mechanism responsible for the intracellular trafficking and targeting of AGC1 kinases
to the polar plasma membrane.
Bassukas AEL, Xiao Y, Schwechheimer C. 2022 Curr Opin Plant Biol. 65:102146.
Marhava P, Bassukas AEL, Zourelidou M, Kolb M, Moret B, Fastner A, Schulze
WX, Cattaneo P, Hammes UZ, Schwechheimer C, Hardtke CS. 2018 Nature
Weller B, Zourelidou M, Frank L, Barbosa IC, Fastner A, Richter S, Jürgens G,
Hammes UZ, Schwechheimer C. 2017 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114:E887-E896.
Zourelidou M, Absmanner B, Weller B, Barbosa IC, Willige BC, Fastner A, Streit
V, Port SA, Colcombet J, de la Fuente van Bentem S, Hirt H, Kuster B, Schulze
WX, Hammes UZ, Schwechheimer C. 2014 Elife 3:e02860. 
Barbosa IC, Zourelidou M, Willige BC, Weller B, Schwechheimer C.
2014 Dev Cell. 29(6):674-85.