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[초청강연] Molecular Functions of Plant NLRs and future Crop Protection

2021-12-13l 조회수 2207

일시: 2021-12-13 11:00 ~ 13:00
발표자: Nak Hyun Kim (University of North Carolina Department of Biology)
담당교수: 생명과학부
장소: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/81217464120
Among the two main branches of plant immune system which consists of pathogen-associated
molecular pattern-triggered immunity (PTI) and pathogen effector trigged-immunity (ETI),
nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat containing (NLR) receptors are the core
components of ETI that provide strong resistance against pathogens. Plant NLRs consists of
three major classes based on their N-terminal domains: TNLs (Toll/interleukin-1 receptor/
Resistance-NLRs, CNLs (coiled-coil-NLRs) and RNLs (resistance to powdery mildew 8-NLRs,
also known as helper NLRs due to their requirement for all tested TNL function). Recent
discovery of calcium-permeable channel formation by activated CNL ZAR1 and RNL NRG1.1
demonstrate all NLRs signal via Ca2+, elucidating how the two branches of plant immune system
ultimately converge into single pathway. Characteristics of specific Ca2+ signatures generated by
individual CNL/RNLs, which holds the key to dissecting downstream pathway remains to be
determined. Overall, the available arsenal of NLRs for crops are limited and are diminishing due
to inherently more rapid pathogen evolution. Efforts to prolong and renew the efficacy of NLRs
include stacking and strategic deployment of existing NLRs and engineering novel recognition
specificity into existing NLR pairs.