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[초청강연] [2021학년도 1학기 금요세미나] Identifying the unidentified plant defense against unseen herbivores

2021-04-19l 조회수 2790

일시: 2021-04-23 11:00 ~ 13:00
발표자: 주용성 (충북대학교)
담당교수: 정충원
장소: https://snu-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83230269831
Identifying the unidentified plant defense against unseen herbivores

Youngsung Joo
Department of Biology, Chungbuk National University

Plants have been eaten by herbivorous insects for 350 million years, which is a sufficient time to give rise to myriad defensive responses against herbivore attacks. Plants can perceive herbivore damage, trigger signaling pathways, and express resistance-associated traits. Through the same period of time, insect herbivores also have tried to disarm the plant defense for facilitating their feeding. Plants and insects together form antagonistic interactions which can be understood in terms of the strategies of them. Various types of feeding guilds of herbivores have been colonized in the different parts of a plant. Particularly, endophytic herbivores, that live inside (endo-) of the plant (-phytic) during their development provide novel insights into plant-herbivore interactions. For instance, stem-boring herbivores either oviposit in the plant stem or dig into the stem when they are at the larval stage. However, plant defense against these unseen herbivores has not been well identified. First, I will mainly talk about how wild tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata defends a stem-boring herbivore (Trichobaris mucorea): defensive role of chlorogenic acids and lignin against the stem herbivore attack. Besides, I will introduce novel ecological study systems for unrevealing secrets of endophytic herbivores: Erigeron annuus – stem longhorn beetles and Brassica juncea – seedpod weevils.

# 2021학년도 1학기 금요세미나 전체일정은 하단 URL을 참고하세요.