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[초청강연] Stochastic nature of bacterial eradication using antibiotics.

2019-05-23l 조회수 5034

일시: 2019-06-03 11:00 ~ 12:00
발표자: Prof. Minsu Kim (Emory University)
담당교수: Prof. Tae-Young Yoon
장소: Bldg 500, Mok-Am Hall


Stochastic nature of bacterial eradication using antibiotics.



Frequent antibiotic failure is a serious threat to public health. To cope with this threat, it is critical that we better understand population dynamics of bacteria exposed to antibiotics. In this talk, I will present our recent laboratory studies showing stochastic nature of bacterial eradication using antibiotics. Bactericidal drugs induce population fluctuations, leading to stochastic population dynamics. Consequently, bacterial clearance does not follow a deterministic course but is highly probabilistic. These population fluctuations may be manipulated to facilitate bacterial eradication.