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[초청강연] [유전체연구지원실세미나] See the real biology: the power of whole transcript expression profiling

2008-06-05l 조회수 2400

일시: 2008-06-05 16:30 ~ 17:30
발표자: Affymetrix Associate Marketing Manager, Gene Expression and Functional Genomics (Current) K. Joel Fellis, Ph.D.
담당교수: 노유선
장소: 500동 L302호
Abstract: Until recently, gene expression profiling using microarrays has relied on proxy measurements using probes targeted to the 3’ ends of genes. Important changes occurring in the middle or 5’ regions of genes were often missed and researchers were simply not seeing the whole picture. Increased array densities and assay developments have allowed Affymetrix to employ a more powerful, whole transcript based approach to expression profiling, thus providing a more accurate and robust measure of transcription. The Affymetrix WT portfolio contains products that interrogate the entire length of each gene to give both exon- and gene- level expression data, and in addition, alternative splicing information. A general background on WT-based products will be presented with a particular focus on the power of Exon array technology and recent publications that highlight the benefits of applying a whole transcript approach to expression studies. * 유전체지원연구실 주체로 열립니다.