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[초청강연] Systems Approaches to Biology after the Genome Projects

2008-03-28l 조회수 2276

일시: 2008-03-28 11:00 ~ 12:00
발표자: 아주대 분자과학과 최상돈 박사
담당교수: 이일하
장소: 28동 303호
By using systems biological approaches, we attempted to delineate the complex cellular signaling systems and control networks. We have analyzed the changes in transcription and cytokine levels after the addition of a single and/or multiple ligands in murine macrophage RAW 264.7 cells. In addition, we have examined the fluctuations in cAMP, calcium and phosphoprotein, and also measured protein-protein interaction. A time series examination of the combined effects of endogenous or exogenous ligands enabled the identification of signaling networks that are responsible for crosstalk between them.Biological processes are driven by complex systems of functionally interacting macromolecules. Complex biological phenomena can be understood in terms of the interactions of these functional components, and the measurement of cellular responses after network perturbations can be used to probe connectivity and signaling system. Combined with current molecular biological tools, a systems biological approach is ideal for the description of signaling networks and the development of predictive/preventative medicine.