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[초청강연] Critical Role of JNK in ROS or RNS-Mediated Non-apoptotic Cell Death

2007-09-07l 조회수 2296

일시: 2007-09-07 11:00 ~ 12:00
발표자: Department of COFM,Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore Prof. Han-Ming Shen
담당교수: 정용근
장소: 43-1동 402호
JNK is an important member of the MAPK family and plays a critical role in the cell death process, including both apoptotic and non-apoptotic cell death. We have explored the involvement of JNK in non-apoptotic cell death in cells under conditions of oxidative stress, with the following main findings:(1)JNK is a key effector molecule in reactive oxygen (ROS) or reactive nitrogen species (RNS)-mediated caspase-independent non-apoptotic cell death in mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEF). (2)The upstream signaling pathway regulating ROS/RNS-induced JNK activation engages membrane lipid rafts, key signaling molecules such as TRAF2, RIP1 and ASK1.(3)We have identified poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) as the molecular target downstream of JNK in oxidatively stressed cells. (4)Finally, we also examined the relationship between autophagy and ROS-induced non-apoptotic cell death and our preliminary data suggest the protective role of autophagy in the process.Data from our study demonstrate a novel signaling pathway controlling ROS/RNS-mediated non-apoptotic cell death. Such understanding is important for revealing the role of oxidative stress in human diseases.

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