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[학부장학] Schoolife Mentoring Program(SMP) for international students

2011-03-10l 조회수 2438

SchoolLife Mentoring Program (SMP) is designed to help freshmen International Students to adjust to the new lifestyle so they can enhance their experience at Seoul National University (SNU). SMP will pair a mentee with a senior year mentor. Our empathic mentors will help mentees with academics, school life, emotional support, etc.

1.  Who we are looking for?

Freshman of international students & sophomore level

2.  Deadline for Application : Sun. March. 13th. 2011

3.  Application Process: Send the application Form (snucounsel.snu.ac.kr)

to  snusmp@gmail.com

4.  Selection Process: Application Review & Interview

5.  Contact: Tel. (02)-880-7924 // E-mail: snusmp@gmail.com



Mentor is a teacher, father, and friend character from the Odyssey.

Mentee is a person who is being supported by the mentor.


What is SMP?

Schoolife Mentoring Program(SMP) is designed to help International Students

enhance their experience at SNU. SMP will pair a MENTEE with a MENTOR.


What are you doing with SMP?



Individual mentoring

-       Regular meeting 1 time per week / more than 2 hours / total 10 times )

-       Compulsory activity in SMP



-  group activity that you can interact with another mentors & mentees

( 1 time per 2 weeks / more than 2 hours/ total 5 times )

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