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[학부장학] Faculty Positions Open for International Scholars

2010-01-29l 조회수 2375

[ Faculty Positions Open for International Scholars ]Seoul National University School of Biological Sciences, KoreaTenure track faculty positions are open for foreign scientists in the areas of 1) Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2) Integrative Organismic Biology, 3) Systematics and Ecology. The opening is limited to non-Korean scientists. The responsibilities of this position include both research and teaching. Teaching will be conducted in English. The applicants should have a Ph.D. degree and postdoctoral experience with strong research backgrounds and achievements. Competitive set-up expenses and stipends for 70% of graduate students are provided. Also, governmental research grants are applicable for faculty research. The school offers an excellent environment for research and is equipped with most of high performance research facilities. The salary starts from approximately 60 million KRW per year and is competitive depending on the experience. Faculty housing (2 to 4 bed rooms upon family size) is also available. For more information, visit to http://biosci.snu.ac.kr or email to Dr. Kwangseog Ahn (ksahn@snu.ac.kr). The application including CV, three references, and research plan (3-4 pages) should be submitted to Chair, Prof. Jung-Hye Roe, by email (ckm81@snu.ac.kr).[More information in case necessary]Position; 4 year tenure track position, after then, contract will be renewed after evaluationSalary; Starting from approximately 60,000,000 won (currently about equal to USD $53,000) (Standard SNU employment rules and regulations will apply) Graduate students; Our school is proud of the best quality students and 70% of the students will be supported by BK21 scholarship program.Application; Until the position filled Research Facility; Our School is equipped with most of high performance facilities including 2D-LC/MS/MS Spectrometer (W/10 nodes Sequest cluster), in vivo Luciferase Imaging System, Multi-photon Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope, Automated Laser Capture Microdissection System, Microtiter Plate Luminometer, Real-Time Cell Imaging System, Multi-imaging Analyzer, ELISA Microplate Reader, Semi-prep LC System (Agilent 1200 Series) etc

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