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[학부장학] 제6회 뇌인지과학과 저명학자 초청강연 안내 (11/18)

2009-11-13l 조회수 2499

제6회 뇌인지과학과 저명학자 초청강연 안내 (11/18)The Neurobiology of Consciousness What Do We Know and How Can We Discover More?WCU Distinguished Lecturer Series in Brain and Cognitive SciencesThe Department of Brain &Cognitive Sciences at Seoul National University introduces Distinguished Lecturer Series (DLS@BCS), a series of public lectures by internationally-recognized researchers in Brain &Cognitive Sciences. Dr. Christof Koch, Professor of California Institute of Technology and WCU Distinguished Professor of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering at Korea University will give a lecture on the neurobiology of consciousness.자연대 뇌인지과학과에서 DLS@BCS (Distinguished Lecturer in Brain &Cognitive Sciences)란 렉쳐 시리즈를 선보입니다. WCU(세계적 연구중심대학 육성사업)로 초빙된 해외교수들을 중심으로 비 전문 분야의 청중들을 대상으로 준비한 강의들을 마련하였습니다. 그 여섯 번째로 11월 18일 수요일 오후 4시 교수학습개발센터(61동)에 강의를 준비하였으니 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참여를 바랍니다. 1. Speaker: Christof Koch, Ph.D.Lois and Victor Troendle Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology, California Institute of TechnologyWCU Distinguished Professor of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University2. Title: The Neurobiology of Consciousness What Do We Know and How Can We Discover More?3. Date &Time: November 18, 2009 (Wed) 16:00~17:304. Place: Rm 320, Center for Teaching &Learning (Bldg. 61).5. Abstract:Half a century ago, many did not think it was possible to understand the secret of life. Then Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA, forever changing biology. We are facing a similar pursuit in determining the material basis of consciousness. How does the unmistakable smell of dogs after they have been in the rain or the awfulness of a throbbing tooth pain emerge from networks of neurons and their associated synaptic processes? I will summarizes what is known about the neurobiology of consciousness, argue that attention is distinct from consciousness, outline the limits to our knowledge, and describe ongoing experiments using visual illusions to manipulate the relationship between physical stimuli and their associated conscious percepts using fMRI and single unit recordings in the human medial temporal lobe. I will conclude by discussing a promising information-theoretical approach to consciousness grounded in circuit complexity.

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