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[기타] 유학생 표준입학허가서 발급 절차 개선 안내(Modification of the Certificate of Admission Issuance Process)

관리자l 2022-08-25l 조회수 2753


  1. Purpose: To establish detailed standards for issuing the Certificate of Admission (CoA) required for issuance of a student visa (D-2)




Subject of Issuance

Freshmen and returning students*

Applicants among freshmen and returning students + Research Students**

* In case of returning students, issuance is allowed only for students whose study period remains at the time of application for Return to School after a Leave of Absence

** In case of Research students (those who have completed taking course credits but registered for an extra semester), issuance is allowed only for students who entered bachelor’s up to 6 years, master’s up to 5 years, and doctoral’s up to 7 years from admission

please check attacehd file.