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[대학원공지] post doc position recruitment : Two post doc positions to study cell cycle control in Manchester UK

관리자l 2020-11-06l 조회수 3159

[ Two post doc positions to study cell cycle control in Manchester UK ]

  iain hegan 실험실에서 post doc을 모집한다고 합니다. 

  아래의 공지를 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

  I hope that you are all safe and coping with the different forms of lockdown and constraints upon your home and work life. 
  We are recruiting to two post-doc positions in our team at the CRUK Manchester Institute. 
  One is to extend our work on cell cycle control from the SPB in fission yeast, the other to do similar studies in the human cells
   that we have just got up and running for cell cycle studies in the lab (https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rsob.200200).

   For details please see: https://www.cruk.manchester.ac.uk/recruitment/candidate/searchvacancies
   Please do forward to anyone whom may be interested.

  Iain Hagan | 
  Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute The University of Manchester | Alderley Park SK10 4T">
  Tel: +44(0)0161 306 6057
  Email:  Iain.Hagan@cruk.manchester.ac.uk 
  Web: www.cruk.manchester.ac.uk | Twitter: @CRUK_MI