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[학부공지] 프랑스 파리 사클레 대학 교환학생 모집 관련

관리자l 2020-05-08l 조회수 4642


Partner universities interested in sending their students to Université Paris-Saclay within an exchange study programme should nominate their students by completing the attached Excel file and send it to: incoming-exchange.international@universite-paris-saclay.fr by May 11th 2020.

Should you face difficulties respecting the deadline, please let us know, we will do our best to be as flexible as possible considering the current situation.


Online applications


Once nominated, your students will receive an email with further instructions to apply (you will be in copy of this email). Online applications are to be filled before May 15th 2020'

프랑스 파리 사클레대학 교환학생에 관심 있는 학생은 5월 11일까지 위 이메일 주소로 엑셀파일 양식을 작성하여 보내고,
답으로 메일이오면 온라인 신청서를 5월 15일까지 제출 바랍니다.

 첨부파일 (3개)