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[입시] Sir Paul Nurse 영국 왕립학회장 공개강연회 안내

임소희l 2014-03-04l 조회수 3905

서울대학교 국제협력본부와 자연과학대학은 오는 3 10()Sir Paul Nurse 영국 왕립학회장을 모시고 공개강연회를 개최하고자 하오니 많은 참석 바랍니다.

주제: Making Science Work

연사: Sir Paul Nurse 영국 왕립학회장

일시: 2014 3 10() 오후 4:30-5:30

장소: 서울대학교 84동 법과대학 백주년기념관 주산홀
언어: 영어

문의: snuintl@snu.ac.kr / 02-880-8636 (국제협력본부 이예니)

Office of International Affairs and College of Natural Sciences are co-hosting a public lecture by Sir Paul Nurse, the President of the Royal Society in UK, on Monday, March 10, 2014. Everyone interested is welcome to attend. The details are as below.


Theme: Making Science Work

Lecturer: Sir Paul Nurse, President of the Royal Society

Date: March 10th (Mon.) 2014, 16:30-17:30

Venue: Bldg. 84 Centennial Building, College of Law 3F Jusan Hall
Language: English

Contact Information: snuintl@snu.ac.kr / 02-880-8636 (Ms. Yaeni Lee, Office of International Affairs)

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