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[입시] 뇌인지과학세미나 안내

관리자l 2012-02-14l 조회수 3264


발표자: 이준열 (UCSF, joonyeol@phy.ucsf.edu

일시: 2012 2 23() 오전 11:00-12:30

장소: 사회과학대학 16 226 


제목: Neurally-plausible implementation of accuracy-precision trade-offs in sensory-motor behavior through Bayesian priors


초록: Sensory-motor behavior results from a complex interaction of noisy sensory data and priors based on recent experience. In smooth pursuit eye movements, visual motion inputs compete with two independent priors: one biases eye speed toward zero; the other attracts eye direction according to the past several days’ history of target directions. The competition between sensory data and priors follows the rules of Bayesian estimation and appears to seek an appropriate trade- off between movement accuracy and variation. The priors can be understood as direction specific control of the strength of visual-motor transmission,
and can be implemented in a neural-network model that makes testable predictions about the population response in the smooth eye movement region of the frontal eye fields.

붙 임 : 이준열 세미나 1부.

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