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[입시] WCU Distinguished Lecture Series

l 2011-04-26l 조회수 3222

WCU Distinguished Lecture Series

(WCU 저명학자 초청강연 시리즈)

WCU (세계수준의 연구중심대학) 육성사업을 위해 초빙된 해외 교수님들을 모시고 2011년도 4월 WCU저명학자 초청강연을 아래와 같이 개최하오니 여러분의 많은 관심 및 참여 바랍니다.

The WCU Team like to welcome everyone who is interested in the upcoming WCU Distinguished Lecture Series in April, 2011! Designed as series of lectures led by renowned researchers and scholars worldwide, the program provides the audience dynamic opportunities to learn about various research studies. As visiting faculty members of the WCU (World Class University) project in Seoul National University, the following speaker is about to share with you fascinating discoveries in their studies!

April 27, 2011(16:00~17:30)

"Can we win the war against cancer through prevention?"

- Speaker & Affiliation: Prof. Zigang Dong

  The Hormel Institute, University of Minnesota; Molecular Medicine and Biopharmaceutical
Seoul National University

- Place: Rm 208, Lotte International Education Hall (Bldg. 152-1)

  *장소는 롯데국제관 208호 입니다.

What is the World Class University (WCU) project?

The WCU project is one of the programs sponsored by the Korean government with a goal to enhance education and research standards in Korean universities. By inviting prominent researchers and scholars from overseas, the project allows local and foreign faculty members to interact with each other in order to promote advanced research activities. The project also seeks to establish new academic programs based on research done by faculty and staff members involved in the program. To find out more about the WCU project, please visit at http://wcu.nrf.go.kr/

첨부파일 1 : WCU_DLS_ZIGANG DONG(수정).pdf (203.71KB)

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