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2022학년도 학부생 연구인턴십 및 대학원생 모집 (NextGen Medicine Lab, 삼성서울병원/성균관대)

2022-01-18l 조회수 2317


성균관대 의과대학/ 인공지능학과 NextGen Medicine Labt에서 학부연구인턴 및 대학원생을 모집합니다. 


본 연구실은 삼성미래기술육성과제 및 과학기술부 연구지원을 받아,

인공지능/데이터 사이언스를 바탕으로 암 유전자 데이터를 분석함으로써,

암 정밀의학 구현과 항암 신약 개발에 매진하고 있습니다. 


관심있는 여러분의 많은 지원 바랍니다.


브릭공고: https://www.ibric.org/myboard/read.php?Board=job_recruit&id=652525

홈페이지: https://leejoosang.wixsite.com/ngml



S Sinha,..., JS Lee#, et al. A systematic genome-wide mapping of oncogenic mutation selection during CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing. Nature Communications (2021).

JS Lee#, et al. Synthetic lethality mediated precision oncology via the tumor transcriptome. Cell (2021).

R Keshet*, JS Lee*, et al. T argeting purine synthesis in ASS1-expressing tumors enhances the response to immune checkpoint inhibitors. Nature Cancer (2020).

S Kalaora*, JS Lee*, et al. Immunoproteasome expression is associated with better prognosis and response to checkpoint therapies in melanoma. Nature Communications (2020).

JS Lee, et al. Translational reprogramming marks adaptation to asparagine restriction in cancer. Nature Cell Biology (2019).

JS Lee#, E Ruppin#. Multiomics prediction of response rates to therapies to inhibit programmed cell death 1 and programmed cell death 1 ligand 1, JAMA Oncology (2019).

X Feng, N Arang, DC Rigiracciolo, JS Lee#, et al. A platform of synthetic lethal gene interaction networks reveals that the Cancer Cell (2019).

AD Sahu*, JS Lee*, et al.Molecular Systems Biology (2019).

N Auslander, font-size: 10pt;"> JS Lee, et al.. Robust prediction of response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy in metastatic melanoma. Nature Medicine (2018).

JS Lee*, L Adler*, et al. Urea cycle dysregulation generates clinically relevant genomic and biochemical signatures. Cell (2018). (국민일보: http://news.kmib.co.kr/article/view.asp?arcid=0924023237)

JS Lee*, A Das*, et al. Harnessing synthetic lethality to predict the response to cancer treatment. Nature Communications (2018).