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Dana Farber Cancer Institute 포스트닥

2017-03-16l 조회수 3600

The Arthanari Lab at Department of BCMP, Harvard Medical School and Department of Cancer Biology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute is seeking for a highly motivated postdoctoral candidate with expertise in transcriptional biology. 
Our laboratory works at the interface of structural biology, drug discovery and mechanistic biology, focusing on transcription factors and there interactions with co-activators and mediators (e.g. Nature. 201625;530(7591):485-9 ; Nature 2008. 452 (7187): 604-9) .Research efforts will be focused on the intersection of cancer biology/genetics and immune-oncology.
The candidate is expected to have a comprehensive understanding of signaling pathways, epigenetics and transcription regulation. Experience in technical skills including cell culture, somatic genetic analysis (e.g., CRISPr, si, sh RNA knockdown and rescue), protein biochemistry, assay design and development and biological applications to advance discovery are preferred. The individual should be independent and passionate about science and have an established record of creativity, ability to work in teams and strong publication record in peer-reviewed scientific journals.