Kim J*, Lee Y*, Jeon T*, Ju S, Kim JS, Kim MS, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2025). Autophagy-dependent splicing control directs translation toward inflammation during senescence. Developmental Cell, (), .
Kang E, Kang C, Lee YS, and Lee SJV (2024). Brief guide to senescence assays using cultured mammalian cells. Molecules and Cells, 47(9), 100102.
Kim Y*, Jang Y*, Kim MS, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2024). Metabolic remodeling in cancer and senescence and its therapeutic implications. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 35(8), 732.
Choi H and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2024). Living Beyond Restriction: LBR promotes cellular immortalization by suppressing genomic instability and senescence. FEBS Journal, 291(10), 2091.
Roh K*, Noh J*, Kim Y^, Jang Y^, Kim J, Choi H, Lee Y, Ji M, Kang D, Kim MS, Paik MJ, Chung J, Kim JH#, and Kang C# (*co-first author, ^co-second author, #co-corresponding author) (2023). Lysosomal control of senescence and inflammation through cholesterol partitioning. Nature Metabolism, 5(), 398-413.
Kim EJ, Woo J, Shin S, Choi H, Kim Y, Kim J, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2022). A focused natural compound screen reveals senolytic and senostatic effects of Isatis tinctoria. Animal Cells and Systems, 26(6), 310.
Ko SB, Mihara E, Park Y, Roh K, Kang C, Takagi J, Bang I, and Choi HJ (2022). Functional role of the Frizzled linker domain in the Wnt signaling pathway. Communications Biology, 5(1), 421.
Jung Y, Artan M, Kim N, Yeom J, Hwang AB, Jeong DE, Altintas Ö, Seo K, Seo M, Lee D, Hwang W, Lee Y, Sohn J, Kim EJ, Ju S, Han SK, Nam HJ, Adams L, Ryu Y, Moon DJ, Kang C, Yoo JY, Park SK, Ha CM, Hansen M, Kim S, Lee C, Park SY, and Lee SJV (2021). MON-2, a Golgi protein, mediates autophagy-dependent longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Science Advances, 7(49), abj8156.
Lee Y, Kim J, Jeon T, Roh K, Kim MS, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2021). A flow-cytometry-based assessment of global protein synthesis in human senescent cells. STAR Protocols, 2(3), 100809.
Kim J, Lee Y, Jeon T, Kim MS, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2021). All cells are created equal in the sight of autophagy: selective autophagy maintains homeostasis in senescent cells. Autophagy, 17(10), 3260.
Lee Y*, Kim J*, Kim MS*, Kwon Y, Shin S, Yi H, Kim H, Chang MJ, Chang CB, Kang SB, Kim VN, Kim JH, Kim JS, Elledge SJ, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2021). Coordinate Regulation of the Senescent State by Selective Autophagy. Developmental Cell, 56(10), 1512-1525.
Kim J*, Lee Y*, Roh K, Kim MS, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2021). Targeting the stress support network regulated by autophagy and senescence for cancer treatment. Advances in Cancer Research, 150(), 75-112.
Yoon MJ, Choi B, Kim EJ, Ohk J, Yang C, Choi YG, Lee J, Kang C, Song HK, Kim YK, Woo JS, Cho Y, Choi EJ, Jung H, and Kim C (2021). UXT chaperone prevents proteotoxicity by acting as an autophagy adaptor for p62-dependent aggrephagy. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1955.
Klionsky DJ, Abdel-Aziz AK, Abdelfatah S, Kang C et al. (2021). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition). Autophagy, 17(1), 1-382.
Kim J, Han W, Park T, Kim EJ, Bang I, Lee HS, Jeong Y, Roh K, Kim J, Kim JS, Kang C, Seok C, Han JK, and Choi HJ (2020). Sclerostin inhibits Wnt signaling through tandem interaction with two LRP6 ectodomains. Nature Communications, 11(1), 5357.
Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2019). Senolytics and Senostatics: A Two-Pronged Approach to Target Cellular Senescence for Delaying Aging and Age-Related Diseases. Molecules and Cells, 42(12), 821-827.
Mazzucco AE, Smogorzewska A, Kang C, Luo J, Schlabach MR, Xu Q, Patel R, and Elledge SJ (2017). Genetic interrogation of replicative senescence uncovers a dual role for USP28 in coordinating the p53 and GATA4 branches of the senescence program. Genes & Development, 31(19), 1933-1938.
Kwon Y, Kim JW, Jeoung JA, Kim MS, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2017). Autophagy Is Pro-Senescence When Seen in Close-Up, but Anti-Senescence in Long-Shot. Molecules and Cells, 40(9), 607-612.
Kang C and Elledge SJ (2016). How autophagy both activates and inhibits cellular senescence. Autophagy, 12(5), 898-899.
Wang Y, Xu Q, Sack L, Kang C, and Elledge SJ (2016). A gain-of-function senescence bypass screen identifies the homeobox transcription factor DLX2 as a regulator of ATM–p53 signaling. Genes & Development, 30(3), 293-306.
Klionsky DJ, Abdelmohsen K, Abe A, Abedin MJ, Kang C et al. (2016). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy, 12(1), 1-222.
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Klionsky DJ, Abdalla FC, Abeliovich H, Abraham RT, Kang C et al. (2012). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy, 8(4), 445-544.
Kang C# and Avery L (#corresponding author) (2010). Systemic regulation of autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans. Autophagy, 5(4), 565-566.
Kang C# and Avery L (#corresponding author) (2010). Death-associated protein kinase (DAPK) and signal transduction: Fine-tuning of autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans homeostasis. FEBS Journal, 277(1), 66-73.
Kang C# and Avery L (#corresponding author) (2009). Systemic regulation of starvation response in Caenorhabditis elegans. Genes & Development, 23(1), 12-17.
Klionsky DJ, Abeliovich H, Agostinis P, Agrawal DK, Kang C et al. (2008). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy in higher eukaryotes. Autophagy, 4(2), 151-175.
Kang C# and Avery L (#corresponding author) (2008). To be or not to be, the level of autophagy is the question; Dual roles of autophagy in the survival response to starvation. Autophagy, 4(1), 82-84.
Kang C#, You YJ, and Avery L
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