2024-12-14 l 조회 139
Bohyeon won the best undergraduate thesis award from School of Biological Sciences, SNU!
2025-01-05 l 조회 122
Jaejin successfully defended his dissertation and earned his Ph.D. Congrats!
2025-01-05 l 조회 124
Joae successfully defended her dissertation and earned her Ph.D. Congrats!
2024-12-14 l 조회 115
Our lab hosts the SNU Mini-Symposium: Aging and Age-Related Stress Responses
2024-11-11 l 조회 120
Jaejin, Yeonghyeon, and Taerang's paper on autophagy-dependent splicing control is now available in Developmental Cell. Congrats!
2024-10-12 l 조회 47
Taerang, Hyunjun, Soyeon, and Bohyeon attended the KSMCB 2024 conference
2024-09-30 l 조회 58
Yeonghyeon and Jajin attended the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory meeting (Mechanisms of Aging 2024)
2024-07-04 l 조회 43
Yeonju, Yeonghyeon, Jaejin, and Yekang attended the Protein Metabolism and Disease (PMD) meeting in Yangyang.A
2024-10-08 l 조회 237
Yeonju and Yeji's comprehensive review paper on metabolic remodeling in senescence is now out.
2024-10-07 l 조회 276
A farewell party for Dr. Roh