Education / Career
학사, 고려대학교
박사, UT Southwestern Medical Center
박사, UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Kim Y*, Jang Y*, Kim MS, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2024). Metabolic remodeling in cancer and senescence and its therapeutic implications. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, 35(8), 732.
- Roh K*, Noh J*, Kim Y^, Jang Y^, Kim J, Choi H, Lee Y, Ji M, Kang D, Kim MS, Paik MJ, Chung J, Kim JH#, and Kang C# (*co-first author, ^co-second author, #co-corresponding author) (2023). Lysosomal control of senescence and inflammation through cholesterol partitioning. Nature Metabolism, 5(), 398-413.
- Lee Y, Kim J, Jeon T, Roh K, Kim MS, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2021). A flow-cytometry-based assessment of global protein synthesis in human senescent cells. STAR Protocols, 2(3), 100809.
- Kim J, Lee Y, Jeon T, Kim MS, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2021). All cells are created equal in the sight of autophagy: selective autophagy maintains homeostasis in senescent cells. Autophagy, 17(10), 3260.
- Lee Y*, Kim J*, Kim MS*, Kwon Y, Shin S, Yi H, Kim H, Chang MJ, Chang CB, Kang SB, Kim VN, Kim JH, Kim JS, Elledge SJ, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2021). Coordinate Regulation of the Senescent State by Selective Autophagy. Developmental Cell, 56(10), 1512-1525.
- Kim J*, Lee Y*, Roh K, Kim MS, and Kang C# (*co-first author, #corresponding author) (2021). Targeting the stress support network regulated by autophagy and senescence for cancer treatment. Advances in Cancer Research, 150(), 75-112.
- Kwon Y, Kim JW, Jeoung JA, Kim MS, and Kang C# (#corresponding author) (2017). Autophagy Is Pro-Senescence When Seen in Close-Up, but Anti-Senescence in Long-Shot. Molecules and Cells, 40(9), 607-612.