Lee, Eun Ju
1. Climate change and ecosystem responses
2. Restoration ecology
3. Alien plant ecology
4. Forest ecology
5. Wetland ecology and management
6. Agroecology
7. Plant population ecology
- - 1990.9 - 1997.5 Ph.D : Univ. of Manitota
- - 1986.3 - 1988.2 Master
- - 1982.3 - 1986.2 Bachelor
- - 2008.8 - 2010.7 Concurrent Researcher, Unification Research Center
- - 2008.10 - 2010.10 Concurrent Affiliation in Graduate Combined Program and Calculation Science
- - 2006.8 - 2008.7 Adjunct Researcher, School of Agriculture Agricultural Science Common Equipment Center, Seoul National University
- - 2003.10 - Present Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Seoul National University
- - 1998.8 - 2007.9 Full-time Instructor, Seoul National University
- - 1998.3 - 1998.8 Full-time Instructor, Earth Environment Preservation, School of Environmental Science, Keimyung University
- - 1997.8 - 1998.1 Univ. of Manitota Researcher, University of Manitoba
- Mun, S., & Lee, E. J. (2020). Litter decomposition rate and nutrient dynamics of giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) in the non-native habitat of South Korea. Plant and Soil
- Byun, C., Oh, M., Lee, E. J., & Kang, H. (2020). Seed density is as important as limiting similarity, diversity effect, and propagule pressure in plant restoration to control invasion. Ecological Engineering, 144, 105712
- Yang, H., Kim, J. H., & Lee, E. J. (2020). Effects of tides on interspecific interactions and plastic growth responses of Bolboschoenus planiculmis. Flora, 264, 151568. doi:10.1016/j.flora.2020.151568
- Shin, W., Kim, J. H., & Lee, E. J. (2020). Effect of native Suaeda japonica structure on the initial seed settlement of an invasive plant Spartina anglica. Aquatic Botany, 161, 103175
- Park, J. S., & Lee, E. J. (2019). Waterlogging induced oxidative stress and the mortality of the Antarctic plant, Deschampsia antarctica. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 43(1), 29
- Bang, J. H., & Lee, E. J. (2019). Differences in crab burrowing and halophyte growth by habitat types in a Korean salt marsh. Ecological Indicators, 98, 599-607
- Bang, J. H., Joo, S., Lee, E. J., Kim, M.-S., Jeong, S., & Park, S. (2019). Diet of the Mud-Flat Crab Helice tientsinensis in a Korean Salt Marsh. Wetlands