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Major Contact

Category Phone Location Person in charge
Chair’s Office +82-2-880-6687 Bldg 504 Room 123 Huh, Won-Ki
Administration Office +82-2-880-6685~7
Bldg 504 Room 120 Kim, Kyung Nim
Common Equipment Room (Office) +82-2-880-4009
Bldg 504 Room 111 Son, Jia / Keum, Yoonjae
Proteomics supprt +82-2-880-4434 Bldg 504 Room 506 Kim, Jisoo
Specific Pathogen Free Facility +82-2-880-6692 Bldg 500 Room B220 Huh, Young-Gul
Microbiology Research Center +82-2-880-6687 Bldg 504Room 120  Lee Chae-eun
Conference Room +82-2-880-6699 Bldg 504 Room 105, Bldg 504 Room 106 Kim, Sungeun

Administration Office

Name Title Contact Duties
Kim, Kyung Nim assistant staff
1. Overseeing undergraduate operation task
2. Managing overall budget (overhead, development fund budgeting and execution, corporate accounting)
3. Managing own staff recruitment, contracts, performance pay, etc.
4. Overseeing undergraduate events
Jeon Jae Woo Staff
1. Faculty personnel related (recruitment, promotion and retirement guarantee/renewal/faculty performance pay, overhead efficiency performance pay, assistant professor appointment, part-time lecturer)
2. Oversea business trips, external lectures
3. Various awards related (Award Committee)
4. Planning work and planning committee
5. Collecting data from all faculty meetings
Kim, Seokyoung Staff
1. Undergraduate and graduate admissions management (including special foreign student programs)
2. Graduate student rotation and advisor assignment
3. Academic Affairs Committee (Admissions)
4. Undergraduate/graduate program academic management (leave of absence, reinstatement, enrollment, readmission, etc.)
5 Student General Affairs, Student Committees (Student Events - Undergraduate)"
Lee, Chae-Eun staff
1. Corporate accounting budgeting and expenditure
2. Budgeting and expenditure of corporate accounting revenue replacement expenses (SPF animal room, shared equipment room, proteomics, greenhouse, bioinformatics equipment fee management)
3. Management of own staff
4. Institute of Microbiology tasks
Jeon, Wonjoon staff
1. New Faculty Research Stipend
2. Appointment of researchers
3. SAFE system management (LMO import report and laboratory facility report)
4. Facility-related (500 Building and Facility Support Division), space management, fire management, etc.
5. Research Office (support for faculty academic activity expenses) and research promotion related / tariff reduction application / research achievements
6. Environmental safety and radiation, dangerous goods management
7. goods management (corporate accounting, industrial accounting)
Kwon, So Rim staff
1. Undergraduate graduation
2. Graduate related task (graduation, completion, thesis qualifying examination)
3. Foreign exchange (international affairs), admission of exchange/visiting students, credit recognition, transfer to other universities in Korea, etc.
4. Changing majors, multi majors (minor, double major, affiliated major)
5. Academic Affairs Committee (Undergraduate)
6. Student Events (Graduate)
Kim, Sung-Eun staff
1. Website and computer-related work
2. Managing professional research personnel
3. Reservation management of emeritus professor's office (501-321,322), faculty rest room, computer room, video conference room, and faculty meeting room
4. Overhead mileage management
5. General affairs (including salary, various allowances, welfare, year-end settlement, etc.)
6. Event assistance, etc.
Oh YounKyung Staff
1. Various tasks related to undergraduate and graduate classes (organization, opening, grades, class status report, classroom reservation management, recommendation of teaching assistant type B, etc.)
2. Academic Affairs Committee (Classes)
3. Scholarship (undergraduate and graduate)
4. Managing overhead budget assistance
Sarah Jang Student TA
1. Utilizing graduate and undergraduate Counselor Assist (Mentoring program)
2. Student guidance management (measures such as student counseling)
3. Friday Seminar and other seminar duties
4. Modern Biology Colloquium 1~4
5. Special Research in Life Science 1
6. Manage group mailing
Jina Bae Student TA
1. Life Science Experiments 1, 2 (Liberal arts experiments), Bldg. 26, 4th Floor Laboratory and Lab Prep Management (Rooms 101-103, 107)
2. Teaching assistant for Teacher Small
3. Mentoring for Gwanak Career Experiment Center (college of natural science camps, undergraduate school tours for middle/high school, laboratory tours, and life science explanations)
4. (per burden) Laboratory equipment expansion project
Hyun-Tae Kim Student TA
1. Website and computer-related work
2. Research internships for undergraduate students
3. Open lab events
4. Prepare undergraduate and graduate orientation materials
5. Organize Department-organized and College of Natural Sciences events
* Tel. 010-9256-2588
Cho Kyunga Student TA
1. Life Science Major Experiments 1~4 (Major Experiments), Bldg. 504, 1st Floor, Laboratory and Lab Management (Room 101-103, Room 107)
2. Basic Biology Assistantship
3. (Major) Laboratory equipment expansion project
4. Life science thesis research
5. Life Science Research Practicum
Son,Jia staff
1. Joint Equipment Management (Confocal and imaging-related equipment, etc.)
2. FACS Aria III training service and management
3. FACS Aria III operation and Calibur, Canto maintenance and management
4. Research Support Facilities Committee
5. Other shared equipment management
Keum YoonJae staff
1. Joint Equipment Management (Confocal and imaging-related equipment, etc.)
2. FACS Aria III training service and management
3. FACS Aria III operation and Calibur, Canto maintenance and management
4. Research Support Facilities Committee
5. Other shared equipment management
KIM Eun Joo staff
1. Greenhouse administration
2. Maintenance and inspection of greenhouse and basement equipment
Huh, Young-Gul staff
1. Overseeing SPF Center for experimental animals
2. Overseeing an individualized animal center
3. Animal center administration
4. Mouse Breeding
5. Technical support
Han, Ju-Yeon staff
1. Animal center administration
2. Mouse Breeding
3. Technical support
Yoon, Byeong-Seung Staff
1. Managing SPF Center for experimental animals
2. Mouse Breeding
3. Technical support
Heung-sun, Park staff
1. Managing SPF Center for experimental animals
2. Cleaning tasks
- Staff
1. Managing an individualized animal center
2. Cleaning tasks
- Staff
1. Managing an individualized animal center
2. Cleaning tasks
Hwang, Geun-Bit staff
Psychotherapy for undergraduate/graduate students, researchers, and staff