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[초청강연] 현대생물학 콜로퀴움 - Genetic variation and the evolutionary history of humans and other species

2021-03-29l Hit 3032

Date: 2021-03-29 17:00 ~ 18:00
Speaker: Prof. Choongwon Jeong (SNU)
Professor: 정충원
Genetic variation and the evolutionary history of humans and other species

Choongwon Jeong
School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, 08826, Republic of Korea


Population genetics aim at modeling evolution within a species in terms of the pattern of genetic variation and reconstructing the past evolutionary history using observed genetic variation data. Aided by recent advances in genomics technology, population genetics of genome-scale data have revolutionized our understanding on the history of our own species as well as others. In this lecture, I will introduce representative cases of modern human population genomics from my past studies: one investigates the genetic diversity and history of human populations who lived in the eastern Eurasian steppe for the last 6,000 years, and the other interrogate the genetic components and phenotypes that are behind high-altitude adaptations of Tibetans from the Himalayas. I will conclude my presentation with the current activities of my lab to expand our study to non-human species, ranging from domesticated animals to ecological invasive species.