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9Jan, 2008

[초청강연] The symmetrical features of the membrane protein DsbD, an electron transporter, correlate with ac...

2008-01-09 11:00 ~ 12:00
504동 105호
Beckwith Laboratory, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School 조승현 박사
27Dec, 2007

[초청강연] Histone Crosstalk between H2B Monoubiquitination and H3 Methylation Mediated by COMPASS

2007-12-27 11:00 ~ 12:00
504동 105호
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, Kansas city 이정신 박사
17Dec, 2007

[초청강연] DNA Methylation: The Fifth Element in the Genome

2007-12-17 11:00 ~ 12:00
501동 목암홀
Univ. of South California, USA 김명진 박사
7Dec, 2007

[초청강연] Sex and the society: A crab`s eye view of the world

2007-12-07 11:00 ~ 12:00
43-1동 402호
이화여대 김태원 박사
3Dec, 2007

[초청강연] 적조: 생태, 진화, 온실가스, 그리고 바이오에너지

2007-12-03 11:00 ~ 12:00
43-1동 402호
서울대 지구환경과학부 정해진 교수
30Nov, 2007

[초청강연] Molecular Genetic Analysis of ASC-2 in vivo: Implication for Posterior Lenticonus with Cataract a...

2007-11-30 16:00 ~ 17:00
504동 교수회의실
연세대학교 생화학과 이한웅 교수
30Nov, 2007

[초청강연] Engineering specificity of TGF-beta signal receptors

2007-11-30 11:00 ~ 12:00
43-1동 402호
Salk Ins, USA Dr. Senyon Choe
26Nov, 2007

[초청강연] Complex Brain dynamics and its implications for engineering and medicine

2007-11-26 11:00 ~ 12:00
43-1동 402호
KAIST 정재승 교수
23Nov, 2007

[초청강연] Biology of Endothelial Progenitor Cell in Vasculogenesis

2007-11-23 11:00 ~ 12:00
501동 다목적회의실(목암홀)
서울대 의대 김효수 교수
19Nov, 2007