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[초청강연] The ecology and evolution of animal colours: case studies on insects and amphibians

2022-11-01l Hit 2080

Date: 2022-11-04 11:00 ~ 13:00
Speaker: Changku Kang (SNU College of Agriculture and Life Sciences)
Professor: 생명과학부
Location: 대면 | 목암홀(Mokam Hall)
The ecology and evolution of animal colours: case studies on insects and amphibians
Research on animal coloration is a vibrant area in behavioural/evolutionary ecology. One of
the main areas of animal coloration research is investigating them as an adaptation to avoid
predation. Camouflage is the most common form of anti-predator coloration and many
animals have evolved fine-tuned behavioural strategies to improve their camouflage.
However, their camouflage is never perfect, and some animals have evolved various backup
defence strategies in case their camouflage fails, which are called secondary defences. In this
talk, I will introduce the studies on camouflage, secondary defences, and other colour-related
adaptations in animals.