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[초청강연] Phytomimetics - Soft machines inspired by plants

2022-10-10l Hit 2185

Date: 2022-10-07 11:00 ~ 13:00
Speaker: Ho-Young Kim (SNU Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Professor: 생명과학부
Location: 대면 | Mokam Hall
Title: Phytomimetics - Soft machines inspired by plants
As mechanical engineers who are interested in making soft machines, made of compliant materials
that can easily change their shapes, our lab is interested in learning from biological creatures which
are inherently flexible and good at conforming to their environments. In this talk, we will present our
works inspired by the amazing mobility of plants without needing muscles. Most of botanical
movements occur with transport of water in and out of their cells or tissues, allowing us to view plants
as soft machines powered by water. We introduce three categories of phytomimetic machines
developed in our lab - (i) humidity-powered robots, inspired by seeds of wild wheat and pinecones; (ii)
the fastest and strongest hydrogel actuators, owing to membranes mimicking plant cell walls; and (iii)
tip-growing robots, inspired by pollen tubes and fungal hyphae.