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[초청강연] Deciphering novel host-virus interactions using a CRISPR activation screening

2022-03-10l Hit 2314

Date: 2022-03-11 11:00 ~ 13:00
Speaker: Sanghyun Lee (Brown University)
Professor: 생명과학부
Viruses exploit cellular surface proteins in multiple phases of viral life cycle, including
cellular entry. We employ an unbiased screening method using the CRISPR activation
(CRISPRa) technique, named surfaceome CRISPRa library. The surfaceome library
covers ~6000 of all known/predicted surface proteins on the cellular plasma membrane.
The surfaceome screening with viral proteins identified several novel cellular genes
interacting with pathogenic viruses. This talk will cover two new findings. First, discovery
of human LRRC15 (leucine rich repeat containing 15) as a novel inhibitory receptor for
SARS-CoV-2. Second, a novel cellular receptor for secreted viral protein of a norovirus.
Furthermore, we will explore the contribution of secreted viral protein of noroviruses to
chronic viral infection in the intestine.