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[초청강연] Membrane Dynamics during Plant Cytokinesis and Cell Expansion

2007-06-29l Hit 2341

Date: 2007-06-29 10:00 ~ 11:00
Speaker: Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison Dr. Sebastian Bednarek
Professor: 이일하
Location: 25-1동 국제회의실
Plant morphogenesis is highly dependent upon the proper orientation of cell division and cell expansion. These processes rely on extensive polarized exocytic and endocytic secretory membrane trafficking to form the cytokinetic organelle known as the cell plate, for plasma membrane formation, and for cell wall biogenesis. Our recent studies have revealed that cytokinesis and cell expansion require a common set of molecular components including the AAA chaperone, AtCDC48 and the DRP1 family of plant specific dynamin-related proteins. These proteins assemble into distinct complexes to modulate secretory membrane dynamics throughout the plant cell cycle. Our latest results regarding the characterization, their dynamic localization and function of these AtCDC48 and DRP1 proteins during cell division and cell expansion will be discussed.

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