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Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2012 and beyond

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• Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2012 and beyond


In order to satisfy graduation requirements, students at the College of Natural Sciences must take a minimum of 130 academic units, in which a certain number of units comes from major requirement courses as stated by your department (applies to second major as well) and 47 units from general education courses. Both major GPA and overall GPA must be 2.0 or greater to graduate. Course enrollment : more than 6 times

2008 and beyond : General education - 47 units, the students should take elective major in order to take the other units expect for general education course and required course.

★ Students entering school in 2007 or later must take at least three courses taught in English, one or more of which should be from major requirement courses. (This includes English language courses such as College English and Advanced English.)





Academic Credit

Credits from General Education

Primary major

Double major units

Minor Units

Completion of a single major

Concurrent completion of another major

College of Natural Sciences,

School of Biological Sciences








★ Starting from the Class of 2008, students must take at least one additional course from the same or different major besides taking required major courses. (Also applies to your second major)

· College Korean(010.001)(before) - College writing: process & structure(031.001)(after 1st 2013)

· College English or Advanced English (If the students who are exempt from College English should take the Advanced English or courses(3credits) of Academic Foundations courses. Not required course, just elective course - College English 2) - Student ID# former 2008

★ The students should complete more than 2 course of College English 1, College English 2, and Advanced English for Class of 2009 and beyond.(Required course - College English 2)

· Completion of Calculus 1,2, Honor Calculus and Practice 1,2, Calculus for Life Science 1,2 (6 credits)

· Completion Core liberal arts Courses ( Culture and Art, History and Philosophy, Society and Ideas )

★ Please check the orientation materials for freshman about General Education Field

The students should take the 034.027(Biology 1), 034.028(Biology2), 034.031(Biology Lab.1), 034.032(Biology Lab.2)


〔Major courses〕 2011 and beyond: Required major - 18 credits. Major Elective courses - more than 42 credits,  total : 60credits

                     - Concurrent completion of another major : Required major 18 credits. Major Elective courses more than 21, Total: 39credits

Required major


18 credits

300.312 Biochemistry 1 (3-3-0)

3346.203 Biology Field Study (1-0-2)

3346.204 Biodiversity and Environment (3-3-0)

3346.205 Cell Biology (3-3-0)

3346.201 Biological Science Lab 1 (2-0-4)

3346.202 Biological Science Lab 2 (2-0-4)

3346.412A Thesis studies in Biological Sciences(1-0-4) → 3346.412 Specialized Life Sciences Research 2(1-0-4) alternative

[The students can register ‘Thesis studies’ courses after they completed the more than 2 courses of Research Practice in Biological Sciences 1-4 or they took part in studies during more than 2 semester

However, if it is final term, the students can combine - 졸업논문 제출 규정 참조 click!  

〔Minor courses〕 2011 and beyond : Required major 17 credits. Major Elective courses – more than 4 credits, Total : 21 credits

Required major

for minor


300.310 Genetics (3-3-0)

300.312 Biochemistry 1 (3-3-0)

3346.203 Biology Field Study (1-0-2)

3346.204 Biodiversity and Environment (3-3-0)

3346.205 Cell Biology (3-3-0)

3346.201 Biological Science Lab 1 (2-0-4)

3346.202 Biological Science Lab 2 (2-0-4)

〔double major〕 2011 and beyond : Required major courses - 18 credits.  Major Elective courses - more than 21 credits, Total : 39 credits

- Required the courses(liberal Arts) : 010.122 Biology 1, 010.123 Biology 2 (included lab. 1, 2)

Required major courses


(18 credits)

300.310 Genetics (3-3-0)

300.312 Biochemistry 1 (3-3-0)

3346.204 Biodiversity and Environment (3-3-0)

3346.205 Cell Biology (3-3-0)

3346.203 Biology Field Study (1-0-2)

3346.201 Biological Science Lab 1 (2-0-4)

3346.202 Biological Science Lab 2 (2-0-4)

3346.412A Thesis studies in Biological Sciences(1-0-4) → 3346.412 Specialized Life Sciences Research 2(1-0-4) alternative

[The students can register ‘Thesis studies’ courses after they completed the more than 2 courses of Research Practice in Biological Sciences 1-4 or they took part in studies during more than 2 semester

However, if it is final term, the students can combine - 졸업논문 제출 규정 참조 click!