


Lee, Junho 이준호

Developmental Biology Genetics Genomics Molecular Biology Neurobiology
Our lab utilizes molecular genetics of Caenorhabditis elegans to investigate molecular mechanisms of unanswered bological phenomena at the organismic level.
The topics that we are interested in include:

● Biology of animal dispersal strategy: nictation behavior of nematodes
● Developmental plasticity of the nervous system as a wholein C. elegans
● Alternative lengthening of telomeres in the nematode and mouse embryonic stem cells/ chromosome evolution
● Korean nematode collection for studying phenotypic diversity and novelty in evolution
● Establsihment of a new Caenorahditis genetics model using a new Korean nematode species
● Hippo signaling and premature neuronal aging
● RFX isoforms and a subrouine regulatory module for specific ciliated neuron sets
● Biological significance of Htt (Huntingtin) in the nematode
  • - 1989. 9 - 1994. 6 Ph.D., Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology
  • - 1987 - 1989 M.S., Department of Microbiology, Seoul National University
  • - 1980 - 1986 B.S., Department of Microbiology, Seoul National University
  • - 2018.6 - Present President, The Research Institute of Basic Sciences, National Alliance of Research institutes of Basic Sciences
  • - 2018. 6 - 2022.6 Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • - 2016. 8 - 2017. 4 Dean of Student Affairs, Seoul National University
  • - 2014. 6 - 2016. 6 Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University
  • - 2012. 4 - 2015. 3 Director of Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University
  • - 2009. 10 - Present Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
  • - 2007 - 2011 Director of Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Seoul National University
  • - 2004. 9 - 2009. 9 Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University
  • - 1995 - 2004 Assistant Professor / Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Yonsei University
  • - 1994 - 1995 Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley
  1. Eunkyeong Kim, Jun Kim, Chuna Kim and Junho Lee (2021). Long-read sequencing and de novo genome assemblies reveal complex chromosome end structures caused by telomere dysfunction at the single nucleotide level. Nucleic Acids Research
  2. Heeseung Yang, Bo Yun Lee, Hyunsoo Yim and Junho Lee (2020). Neurogenetics of nictation, a dispersal strategy in nematodes. Journal of Neurogenetics
  3. Chuna Kim, Sanghyun Sung, Jun Kim and Junho Lee (2020). Repair and Reconstruction of Telomeric and Subtelomeric Regions and Genesis of New Telomeres: Implications for Chromosome Evolution. BioEssays
  4. Hanee Lee, Junsu Kang, Soungyub Ahn and Junho Lee (2019). The Hippo Pathway Is Essential for Maintenance of Apicobasal Polarity in the Growing Intestine of Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics
  5. Chuna Kim, Jun Kim, Sunghyun Kim, Daniel E. Cook, Kathryn S. Evans, Erik C. Andersen, and Junho Lee (2019). Long-read sequencing reveals intra-species tolerance of substantial structural variations and new subtelomere formation in C. elegans. Genome research