Current Members

박사후 연구원


Jain Ha
Education / Career
이학학사 (서울대학교, 생명과학 전공)
이학박사 (서울대학교, 생명과학 전공)
Research Interests
1 Screening Phosphatases of the Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Pathways in Mammalian System

2 Screening dissociative inhibitors of the ERK/MAPK Pathway
  1. Ha J, Park SH (2014). Screening and identification of dissociative inhibitors of ERK MAP kinase signaling pathway.. The American Society for Cell Biology, (), .
  2. Ha J, Park SH (2016). Screening and identification of dissociative inhibitors of ERK MAP kinase signaling pathway. KSBMB, (), .
  3. Moon J*, Ha J*, Park SH. (2017). Identification of PTPN1 as a novel negative regulator of the JNK MAPK pathway using a synthetic screening for pathway-specific phosphatases. Sci Rep., 7(1), 12974.