Former Members

박사후 연구원
Jose Sebastian

Jose Sebastian

Jose Sebastian
Education / Career
Current: Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Berhampur (IISER BPR)
2009-2012: Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Postdoc (Advisor; Ji-Young Lee)
Research Interests
Post-embryonic root growth signaled by PHABULOSA
  1. Hyoujin Kim§, Jing Zhou§, Deepak Kumar, Geupil Jang, Kook Hui Ryu, Jose Sebastian, Shunsuke Miyashima, Ykä Helariutta, Ji-Young Lee (2020). SHORTROOT-Mediated Intercellular Signals Coordinate Phloem Development in Arabidopsis Roots. The Plant Cell, 32: 1519-1535 (§ equal contribution).
  2. Eun-Sol Kim*, Goh Choe*, Jose Sebastian*, Kook Hui Ryu, Linyong Mao, Zhangjun Fei, Ji-Young Lee (2016). HAWAIIAN SKIRT regulates the quiescent center-independent meristem activity in Arabidopsis roots. Physiologia Plantarum, 157: 221-233 (*equal contribution).
  3. Jose Sebastian, Kook-Hui Ryu, Jing Zhou, Danuse Tarkowska, PetrTarkowski, Young-Hee Cho, Sang-Dong Yoo, Eun-Sol Kim, Ji-Young Lee (2015). PHABULOSA Controls the Quiescent Center-independent Root Meristem Activities in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLOS Genetics, 11: e1004973.
  4. Jose Sebastian, Ji-Young Lee (2013). Root Apical Meristems. eLS, : DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a00.
  5. Shusuke Miyashima*, Jose Sebastian*, Ji-Young Lee, Yka Helariutta (2013). Stem cell function during the plant vascular development. EMBO Journal, 32: 178-193 (* equal contribution).
  6. Carlsbecker A*, Lee JY*, Roberts CJ, Dettmer J, Lehesranta S, Zhou J, Lindgren O, Moreno-Risueno MA, Vatén A, Thitamadee S, Campilho A, Sebastian J, Bowman JL, Helariutta Y*, Benfey PN* (2010). Cell signalling by microRNA165/6 directs gene dose-dependent root cell fate. Nature, 465: 316-321 (*equal contribution).
  7. Zhou J*, Sebastian J*, Lee JY (2011). Signaling and gene regulatory programs in plant vascular stem cells. Genesis, 49: 885-904 (*equal contribution).