Former Members

박사후 연구원


Geupil Jang
  • / +82-2-880-6529
Education / Career
Current : Professor, School of Biological Sciences and Technologies, Chonnam National University
  1. Hyoujin Kim§, Jing Zhou§, Deepak Kumar, Geupil Jang, Kook Hui Ryu, Jose Sebastian, Shunsuke Miyashima, Ykä Helariutta, Ji-Young Lee (2020). SHORTROOT-Mediated Intercellular Signals Coordinate Phloem Development in Arabidopsis Roots. The Plant Cell, 32: 1519-1535 (§ equal contribution).
  2. Geupil Jang, Jung-Hun Lee, Khushboo Rastogi, Suhyoung Park, Sang-Hun Oh, Ji-Young Lee (2015). Cytokinin-dependent secondary growth determines root biomass in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 4607-4619.
  3. Geupil Jang, Ji-Young Lee (2014). Intercellular trafficking of transcription factors in the vascular tissue patterning. Physiologia Plantarum, 151: 184-191.