Education / Career
Associate Director (2019-present, Digital and Computational Pathology, Novartis Biomedical Research)
Post-doc. (2016-2018, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD)
Ph.D. in Pathobiology (2016, School of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD)
Researcher (2009.10-2010.09, School of Biological Sciences, SNU)
Dotor of Veterinary Medicine (2007, College of Veterinary Medicine, SNU)
Post-doc. (2016-2018, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD)
Ph.D. in Pathobiology (2016, School of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD)
Researcher (2009.10-2010.09, School of Biological Sciences, SNU)
Dotor of Veterinary Medicine (2007, College of Veterinary Medicine, SNU)