Former Members



Hae Jin Cho
  • 502-432 / 880-4426
Education / Career
2023- 국립호남권생물자원관 연구사
  1. HJ Cho, KH Park, MS Park, Y Cho, JS Kim, CW Seo, SY Oh, YW Lim (2021). Determination of Diversity, Distribution and Host Specificity of Korean Laccaria Using Four Approaches. Mycobiology, 49(5), 461-468.
  2. HJ Cho, H Lee, MS Park, KH Park, JH Park, Y Cho, C Kim, YW Lim (2020). Two New Species of Laccaria (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) from Korea. Mycobiology, 48(4), 288-295.
  3. H Lee, MS Park, JH Park, HJ Cho,KH Park, S Yoo, JW Lee, NK Kim, JS Lee, JY Park, C Kim, JJ Kim, & YW Lim (2020). Seventeen Unrecorded Species from Gayasan National Park in Korea. Mycobiology, 48(3), 184-194.
  4. SY Oh, MS Park, HJ Cho, YW Lim (2018). Diversity and effect of Trichoderma isolated from the roots of Pinus densiflora within the fairy ring of pine mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake). Plos ONE, 13(11)(), e0205900.
  5. HJ Cho, MS Park, H Lee, SY Oh, AW Wilson, GM Mueller, YW Lim (2018). A systematic revision of the ectomycorrhizal genus Laccaria from Korea. Mycologia, 110(5), 948-961.
  6. HJ Cho, H Lee, V Li, S Jargalmaa, NK Kim, MJ Kim, YW Lim (2018). Six unrecorded macrofungi from the Royal Tombs(Donggureung and Seooreung) of the Joseon Dynasty and Jongmyo Shrine, Korea. Journal of species research, 7(1), 1-8.
  7. MS Park, HJ Cho, NK Kim, JY Park, H Lee, KH Park, MJ Kim, JJ Kim, CM Kim, YW Lim (2017). Ten New Recorded Species of Macrofungi on Ulleung Island, Korea. Mycobiology, 45(4), 286-296.
  8. SY Oh, HJ Cho, JA Eimes, SK Han, CS Kim, YW Lim (2018). Guild Patterns of Basidiomycetes Community Associated With Quercus mongolica in Mt. Jeombong, Republic of Korea. Mycobiology, 46(1), 13-23.
  9. KH Park, C Kim, M Kim, NK Kim, JY Park, JA Eimes, HJ Cho, SK Han, YW Lim (2017). Three New Recorded Species of the Physalacriaceae on Ulleung Island, Korea. Mycobiology, 45(1), 9-14.
  10. NK Kim , JY Park, MS Park, H Lee, HJ Cho, JA Eimes, C Kim, YW Lim (2016). Five new wood decay fungi (Polyporales and Hymenochaetales) in Korea.. Mycobiology, 44(3), 146-154.
  11. HJ Cho, H Lee, JY Park, MS Park, NK Kim, JA Eimes, C Kim, SK Han, YW Lim (2016). Seven new recorded species in five genera of the Strophariaceae in Korea. Mycobiology, 44(3), 137-145.
  12. JJ Fong , HJ Cho, MS Park, YW Lim (2016). Evaluating seasonality and pathogenicity of Aeromonas in Korea using environmental DNA. Asin Jr. of Microbiol Biotech. Env. Sc., 18(3), 605-613.
  13. HJ Cho, MS Park, H Lee, SY Oh, YS Jang, JJ Fong, YW Lim (2015). Four New Species of Amanita in Inje County, Korea. Mycobiology, 45(1), 9-14.
  14. MS Park, SY Oh, HJ Cho, JJ Fong, WJ Cheon, YW Lim (2014). Trichoderma songyi sp. nov., a new species associated with the pine mushroom (Tricholoma matsutake). Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 106(), 593-603.