Current Members



Abel Lupalpa
Education / Career
Sokoine University of Agriculture
M.S. Seoul National University, Korea
  1. AS Lupala, SY Oh, MS Park, T K, JS Yoo, JS Sathiya Seelan, YW Lim (2019). Co-occurrence patterns of wood-decaying fungi and ants in dead pines of South Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 22(4), 1154-1160.
  2. HJ Cho, H Lee, MS Park, C Kim, K Wisitrassameewong, A Lupala, KH Park, MJ Kim, JJ Fong, YW Lim (2019). Macrolepiota in Korea: New Records and a New Species. Mycobiology, 47(4), 368-377.